Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unfreeze Me Please

Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a man who lived in a small cottage. Everyday he walked three miles and as he walked he whittled with a carving knife. One day he walked and he walked and he walked. He walked 30 miles, not 3! And he saw a big, big building. Way bigger than his small cottage. He read a sign in the front that said, "Welcome To Mia's Museum" and to go in it cost $15. The man had exactly $15. He went into the museum, paid the money and walked in. He looked to his right and saw a glass case that showed a caveman inside. He then looked to his left and he saw an Indian also in a glass case. The Indian said to the man, "Bop the caveman on the head!" The man said, "How do I do that?" "Take out your knife and break the glass. Bop him on the head with your hand!" The man broke the glass and bopped the caveman on the head. And then suddenly the caveman blinked. His head turned. He started walking toward the man...

Chapter 2

The caveman said, "akdsjf;ladkjsfaoiuf!" The Indian said, "Don't listen to him!" The man said okay. The Indian said, "Now break my glass case and bop me on the head." He wanted to come alive and move, too. So the man broke the glass with his carving knife and bopped him on the head. The Indian walked to him, looked at him and smiled.

Chapter 3

Then the man looked behind him and he saw a dinosaur. The man said, "Okay...should I bop him on the head?" The Indian said, "No! He will attack all of us." The man then did not trust the Indian so he broke the glass case for the T-Rex. The Indian grabbed his carving knife, took it away from him and said, "No!! I told you, he will kill all of us." The man turned and his hand then accidentally slipped and he pushed the dinosaur. The dinosaur fell down which shook the ground. A light from the ceiling then fell onto the dinosaur's head! The dinosaur blinked...(scary music plays...da da dum...)

Chapter 4

He looked in front of him and he saw a woolly mammoth. He broke the glass case hard with his fist and climbed up his tusk and bopped him on the head. The woolly mammoth turned his head, his tusk looked sharp, sharper than the man's carving knife. The woolly mammoth started running towards the T-Rex. And, Bam! They hit each other and the T-Rex fell to the ground.

Chapter 5

The T-Rex was dead. The woolly mammoth was also badly injured and he suddenly fell to the ground and was dead. The man looked around and couldn't find the Indian or the caveman. He was surprised and didn't know what to do.

To be continued...

Movie release date: August 31, 2009

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