I have been making a lot of things lately. One of the things I wanted to make was a
diorama (not diareha!) so my mom and I looked for a shoe box to use but could not find one (thought we could go out and buy shoes for someone so that we could use the box but my mom said we didn't have enough money to do that) so instead we used an old empty oatmeal container which is long and round. My mom cut part of it open and then we taped the cover to the bottom so that it would not roll around. Then we got some photos of outside pictures to use as a background from an old National Geographic magazine (is it okay to cut out pictures from National Geographic magazine?my mom wants to know). I then looked through a old workbook for pictures that I liked and cut those out. They weren't very strong to stand on their own so my mom suggested that I glue the pictures to some construction paper to make them stronger. Then we glued our background to the oatmeal container and added our pictures. I liked how it turned out. I can't really play with it but it was fun to make!
Yesterday my mom and I were driving in our car and I looked up at the sky and saw some beautiful clouds. I showed my mom and we said that they looked a lot like cotton balls. Then I got an idea for a collage that I could make using cotton balls and construction paper(my favorite!). I thought it would be cool to make a picture of a pig sitting in a mud puddle. My mom and I talked about different ways that pigs can look (have you ever seen a stripped pig?) and we also talked about how smart pigs are (as smart as a three year old like my little cousin Noelle) and how people could keep pigs as pets. But we also thought that it wouldn't be so great to have a pig as a pet because it would run around your house and head butt you a lot! My mom said she thought that some animals just are happier outside in the wild. So this morning I made my collage. It was fun and I got a little crazy with the glue (in my mom's opinion).
Here are some pictures I took of my projects. Hope you like them. I'll post more about other projects later. Keep wearing jeans--Len